The World is Ever Changing, but Jesus Christ Will Never Change

   Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 This is the year of our Lord and Savior 2016.  The world has changed in many ways in the past 50 years.  Computers, tablets, smartphones, video games, LED TVs, and even self-driving cars are available.  New technology is coming out every day.  Google […]

Second Warning: There really is a High Cost for Disobeying God

Lesson III from the Book of Daniel Disobedience is the refusal or failure to obey rules, laws, etc.: a lack of obedience. Obedience means to be submissive to the restraint or command of authority: willing to obey. (Merriam-Webster). It is just the nature of man to want to do things his way and not God’s […]

Warning: There is a High Cost for Disobeying God

Lesson II  from the Book of Daniel For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23 KJV) This is the second in a series of posts based on the Book of Daniel. I have no idea how many will follow; I’ll write […]

God’s Key Unfulfilled Prophecies-Unlocked

To my readers, please understand that this post is not to be understood to be unique or as spoken directly to me as a prophecy.  It is the result of prayer, careful study and research of several conservative writers on the topic of Eschatology  or The Study of End Times.  My own thoughts are clearly […]