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Testimony: God Will Provide

A vicar selling some vegetables at a farmer's market

Covid-19 is wreaking havoc on the health of millions. It is also causing great distress in the financial lives of many people. Some face eviction from their home, wonder how they will make it from day to day, and even wonder where their next meal will come from. But God will provide for His people. Following is a testimony of victory from a young woman facing a dire situation eight years ago. God stepped in just in the nick of time in response to her cry of distress. Know this; if He did it for her, He would do it for you. And if He did it, then He can do it now.

Testimony of CS: God will provide

About eight years ago, I went through a very HARD season in my life. I was down to my last meal. It was on a Saturday night. I made my son’s plate first, then I ate the little that was left, and that was it! I had nothing left to eat and wasn’t going to have any money until that Friday. But God! Remember, it was a Saturday night. I prayed to God and said Lord; I need your HELP! I knew He heard my prayer because I felt his assurance that everything was going to be alright.

I started getting ready for church. It was Special Deliverance Night! My phone started ringing, and all they asked me was C, do you need anything? I said yes, “food.” I hadn’t heard from this person in over three months, But God!!! They went on to ask me, “Where are you?” I said, “On my way to church.” They asked, you still go to Full Gospel, and I said, “Yes, I do.” They said they would meet me there. My ride came to pick my son and me up for church. When I got there, I received a text, “I’m outside. I went outside and was given $180 that I didn’t have to pay back! I was able to give the Lord his offering! God provided for my son and me to eat! I will never forget what God has done! He still works miracles! Trust and Believe God, and he will provide! Stay ENCOURAGED and keep Trusting God! Thank you, GOD!!! Peace and Blessings.

Whether or not your problems are related to Covid-19, or if you do not have all that you need for whatever reason, it does not matter. Call upon the name of the Lord, and in your distress, He will hear you. The critical thing that we must remember is that this young woman was a child of God. God was her Heavenly Father because she had repented of her sins and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Psalm 34:15 says The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

Accept Jesus Christ with a simple prayer such as the following and watch what He will do for you. If you pray this prayer in sincerity and mean it with all of your heart, He will hear and answer you.

“Father, forgive me of all my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. If you save me today, I will live for You forever. Now give me the power to live the way You require me to live by filling me with the Holy Ghost.”

Do you need to know more about salvation and the infilling of the Holy Ghost? Click on the following links and read about the goodness of God. God’s Plan of Salvation; The Promise, Purpose, and Power of the Holy Ghost). Accept Jesus Christ and begin to live.


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